Top 10 Largest Dinosaurs Ever Discovered

Dinosaurs were some of the largest creatures to ever walk the Earth, and many of them were enormous. Here are ten of the largest dinosaurs that have ever been discovered:

  1. Argentinosaurus - This dinosaur was a plant-eater and is believed to be the largest dinosaur ever discovered. It weighed about 100 tons and was up to 100 feet long.

  2. Patagotitan - This dinosaur was also a plant-eater and is one of the largest dinosaurs ever discovered. It weighed about 70 tons and was up to 122 feet long.

  3. Dreadnoughtus - This dinosaur was a plant-eater and weighed about 65 tons. It was up to 85 feet long and had a long, thick tail.

  4. Sauroposeidon - This dinosaur was a plant-eater and weighed about 60 tons. It was up to 60 feet long and had an extremely long neck.

  5. Turiasaurus - This dinosaur was a plant-eater and weighed about 40 tons. It was up to 100 feet long and had a long, slender neck.

  6. Alamosaurus - This dinosaur was a plant-eater and weighed about 30 tons. It was up to 70 feet long and had a long tail.

  7. Brachiosaurus - This dinosaur was a plant-eater and weighed about 25 tons. It was up to 85 feet long and had a long neck and front legs.

  8. Apatosaurus - This dinosaur was a plant-eater and weighed about 20 tons. It was up to 75 feet long and had a long, whip-like tail.

  9. Diplodocus - This dinosaur was a plant-eater and weighed about 15 tons. It was up to 90 feet long and had a long neck and tail.

  10. Stegosaurus - This dinosaur was an herbivore and weighed about 5 tons. It was up to 30 feet long and had a row of large, bony plates on its back.

These massive creatures roamed the Earth millions of years ago and their fossils continue to fascinate scientists and the general public alike.

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